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2019 Annual PSM Conference

To continue and maintain dialogue around process safety management within Egypt’s oil and gas sector, the second Annual Process Safety Management (PSM) Conference titled “Modernizing Process Safety Management: Sharing the Vision.” was held on September 9, 2019.

The conference keynote speakers included:

    • Ken Rivers, President of the Institution of Chemical Engineers and Chairman of UK’s Control of Major Hazards (COMAH) Strategic Forum, 
    • Michael Broadribb, Senior Principal Consultant in BakerRisk’s Process Safety Group, 
    • Jason Clement, the Director of Process Safety Management at Methanex Corporation.

Sessions highlighted the importance of the roles of leaders in driving PSM as well as the importance of learning from previous incidents. Sessions also included Methanex’s PSM journey and its evolution as a learning organization as well as PSM learnings from Egyptian LNG company. The event was concluded with an open Q&A session, which involved interesting discussions between the speakers and the attendees on modern safety management practices.

Ken Rivers

Ken is President of the Institution of Chemical Engineers. He also chairs the UK’s Control of Major Hazards (COMAH) Strategic Forum, which is the joint industry/regulator group tasked with raising standards and improving the effectiveness of major hazard legislation.


Ken’s extensive international career included being CEO of Refining NZ and responsibility for Shell’s UK refining and petrochemical operations. He is a past President of UK Petroleum Industry Association and chaired the joint industry/regulator task force in the wake of the Buncefield terminal explosion. He was one of the founding members of the New Zealand Business Leaders’ Health and Safety Forum. More recently, he chaired the “Midstream Oil Sector Government and Industry Task Force”, which considered ways of improving the resilience and viability of the UK refining and fuel import sectors following the recent government review.


Jason Clement

The Director Process Safety Management for Methanex corporation. In this role he is responsible for leading the development and execution of the company’s global process safety management program.


Before joining Methanex he was the Risk & Assurance Manager at the New Zealand Refining Company. Dr. Clement has over 15 years’ experience serving in risk and engineering related disciplines within both large and small companies.


Michael P. Broadribb

He is a member of BakerRisk’s Process Safety Group. He began work at BakerRisk in December 2009 after 41 years of service with BP.


During the course of his career, Mike has worked in onshore and offshore oil and gas exploration and production facilities, oil refineries, and marine terminals in Europe and North America in a variety of operations, technical and process safety roles. He was an expert witness at the 1989 Piper Alpha Public Inquiry, Aberdeen, Scotland. He is a principal author of CCPS “Guidelines for Investigating Chemical Process Incidents” and “Guidelines for Integrating Process Safety into Engineering Projects” books. He is also lead investigator and author of BP investigation report of the 2005 Texas City Isomerisation Unit explosion.